mercoledì 12 ottobre 2016

SC Warmth Outfit - Boots Sweater and Tights Black

SC Warmth Outfit - Boots  Sweater and  Tights Black 

Sweater Hud 5 colors
For Slink Physique Hourglass,
 Maitreya and 
Belleza Venus, Freya, Isis.
5 standard sizes

Boots Hud 5 colors
For Slink Physique Hourglass,
 Maitreya and 
Belleza Venus, Freya, Isis.

Tights Black
Applier for Omega, Belleza, Slink and Maitreya

**Please try the demo** 

Hair used in the picture - [Atomic] Hair // Nordic Winter // Glamorous

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